Tag: Hyper-V

13 December 2020

Hyper- V & Failover Clustering

Add the Hyper-V Role to a Node Add Roles & Features Select Role Based Select Server to Install the Role / Feature on to (can be a remote system) Select Hyper-V Select the Network for VM Traffic Ignore Clustering for this step Set Paths Confirm […]

10 November 2020

Hyper-V Powershell commands for managing VMs

Windows Hyper-V List VMs Get-VM List Running VMs Get-VM | where {$_.State -eq ‘Running’} List Shutdown VMs Get-VM | where {$_.State -eq ‘Off’} Start VM start-vm chi-win8 start-vm jdh* -asjob Start-VM -Name <virtual machine name> Stop VM stop-vm jdh* Stop VM in Saved State stop-vm […]

3 June 2020

Hyper-V backup software for Microsoft Hyper-V by Altaro

Altaro VM Backup offers full support for Microsoft Hyper-V and was designed to take away the complexities of backing up and replicating Hyper-V. With an intuitive user interface, you can accomplish advanced tasks, making it easy to configure and run backup/restore and replication jobs quickly […]