Tag: Active Directory

8 May 2021

Active Directory Attributes


8 May 2021

Create Bulk Users in Active Directory (Step-By-Step Guide)

If you don’t like PowerShell or want a GUI import tool then jump to method 2. What you will need:  PowerShell Active Directory Module loaded – The script I provide will load the module you just need to run it from a computer that has […]

9 February 2021

Import from CSV into Active Directory (for Users)

Create a CSV file containing your date: users.csv FirstName, LastName, UserName, FullName $Users = Import-Csv -Path c:\users\users.csv $OU = ‘ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com’ foreach ($User in $Users) { New-ADUser -Name $User.Fullname -Path $OU -GivenName $User.FirstName -Surname $user.LastName -SamAccountName $user.Username -DisplayName $user.Fullname }